Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Mindful Meandering at the Institute

I have been given a chance to see the impermanence of things and that the changing of life is possible. I feel I have seen a blip in the Matrix. I have walked these halls of the Innisbrook resort before. Then it was business and golf. Now it is with ministerial collegiality and learning. As I see the old white golf members with leathery skin sitting around drinking scotch and talking about their golf game and business deals,  I see the direction I was headed in life and the direction I once wanted in life. Now here I sit in this same place, same building but with different people and a different life. A life that might not have been. I have been given a chance to see a different me, one made possible by opening my heart. Everything is the same but me and the people I surround myself with. And that has made all the difference. Who can say what was right? Perhaps I should have just gone on to make a lot of money and donate it to my Congregation?  Who can say which would have helped more. So I let it go. We make our choices and we live with the consequences, both good and bad. In truth I was always terrible at golf and I don’t drink anymore. Now, I listen, learn, love and try to share what wisdom I have found/find in this world with others. It is a new fuller life, one that might not have been if not for Unitarian Universalism.

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