Saturday, January 27, 2018

"Old Haunts"

Old Haunts By Jay Wolin
Drove through the old neighborhood today
Stopped by my old haunts
And they are haunted
With memories both good and bad
Memories of growth
Memories of pain
Memories of love
Memories of loss
I must remember
That is all they are
Just memories
That formed who I am
It is good to see old friends
And see where their lives led
And see where my life led me from
And see where our lives are today
For better and worse
So busy going forward
I forget to look back
The past seems more distant
Like a dream I once dreamed
But it was all real
All the friends, foes, guides and interlopers
All the achievements, failures, adventures and missteps
All the wonder, struggle, joy and fear
I can’t put it behind me
I won’t put it behind me
I carry them all with me
Haunted by
What was
What could have been
What still could be.
And all I have is
What is

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