Honestly we have been kicking the can down the road with
North Korea since the Truman Presidency. Truman’s firing of General MacArthur
who wanted to expand the war with China and some say wanted to use nuclear
weapons was the first step in a line of Presidents who just didn’t want to
provoke conflict with China and in later years feared actual retaliation from
North Korea against our allies in the region. We have known they have been in
pursuit of nuclear weapons since the Clinton Presidency. Each President since,
both Democrat and Republican has at best slowed or delayed the inevitable. But
we are near the end of the road of kicking the can.
Or are we? I have to admit,
after the Iraq debacle (both the intelligence prior to the war and the war
planning dismantling their police), that has cost us trillions of dollars,
thousand of lives and the creation of ISIS, I am skeptical about information I
hear from intelligence sources. Now some people say to me, Jay why aren’t you
skeptical about intelligence sources about Russia interfering in the election?
The reason I am not, is that there seems at least to be corroborating evidence
in that instance. The President during the campaign publicly asked for Russia’s
help in hacking Hilary Clinton. Don Jr.’s meeting with the Russians, Flynn and
Manafort taking money from Russians, and Don Jr. publicly stating that Russians
are their bankers. Enough digression though. What would be the purpose of such
a distortion of information to bring us to the brink of war? With our other
wars slowing up, Is the military industrial complex looking for a new war? Or is it the evangelicals who are trying to
create an apocalypse to bring about the return of Jesus? Possibly a mutual interest of the two combined.
Clearly North Korea has been launching rockets though (I do believe half of
what I see) so I assume even without nuclear weapons, they are rattling their
Sabres. To what purpose though? What is their underlying motive? I sort of
liken it to Amazon losing money year after year after year until they finally
drove others out of business and now they are reaping large rewards. I could
argue that capitalism in its roots leads towards destruction (such as book
stores). But I don’t have time for such a digression. North Korea has been
supposedly starving their people to build up their military. What do they hope
to gain? I don’t know, and that is what perplexes me. They would gain
significantly more financially by agreeing to not build weapons, then to build
and use weapons. This is why I was thought our attack on Libya was so short
sighted and self defeating. We promised Khadafi if he gave up his nuclear
ambitions we would leave him in power. Then we reneged on that agreement. Why
would North Korea (NK) trust us if we agreed to a similar deal. I thought about
what if we just accept NK into the world to avoid war. If we do, the fear would
be of course that they would build up their arsenal of weapons with increased
money flowing into the country. Ideally they would have to accept ongoing
monitoring. However they have shown no willingness to negotiate and no willingness
to keep to previous agreements. If NK
brings these threats to fruition, it will certainly lead to their destruction.
brings me to China. China’s support is the reason that North Korea has been
able to continue with this for so long. They must know that any conflict would
adversely affect them and their economy (as well as the world economy). North
Korea was a pawn for China, but now it seems the pawn has made to the other
side of the board and is being exchanged for another piece that can cause real
damage. Initially China’s motive was to place a wedge between them and Russia
and the US on the peninsula. How would China react if we launched a Preemptive attack against North Korea? Whose interest is
that in? Maybe Russia’s interest.
Which brings me to Trump. China has been in
Trump’s crosshairs for a long time. Is he using this provocation as a way to ultimately
hurt China and help Russia? If we are fighting China, Russia benefits. This
also leads to questions about whether Trump is being manipulated by
Russia. Trump has used aggressive
language towards North Korea. If I thought he was a strategic thinker I might
say he is playing good cop/bad cop, as a way to bring them to the negotiating
table and let them get their payday. Sadly though, based on his previous
actions I don’t see Trump as a Strategic thinker.Perhaps NK will fear that
Trump is truly unhinged and unpredictable and that will bring them to the table
to negotiate. That is what Trump is counting on. If NK drops a bomb somewhere, we would be
forced to respond. We could not use nuclear weapons because of its effect on
all the surrounding countries and fear of escalating nuclear war. We could
respond militarily, without nuclear weapons,. This will be hard and it will be devastating
to the region and thus devastating to the world. So it comes down to whether
China can have any control over NK. It is time for China to sacrifice its pawn
The game that started 70 some odd years ago it coming to an end. Let us
hope it is not the end for us all. None of this really makes sense. Madmen to
the left of me, Madmen to the right of me. Here I am, just trying to make the
world a better place for all. I am not naïve about the evil in the world, But
also not naïve about our own military industrial complex that spreads violence
throughout the world. I am hopeful that calmer heads will prevail.
We seem to
not be bothered how many people will die if this escalates as long as it
doesn’t touch our country. But it does affect our country in so many ways. We
saw that on 9-11. We saw that in Charlotte, NC and in the streets of our
cities. The ongoing cycle of hatred and violence affects us and seeps into our
consciousness and becomes part of our culture. Violence has always been a part
of the American Culture since its founding. How we treated the native American population,
slavery, the “wild” west. The question is do we evolve as people and a nation or
do we continue with destruction which will lead to our own self destruction.
actions have consequences. I just want
us to think that there is always a third way. It does not have to be
capitulation or destruction. I ask us to think about not just how to get out of
this mess but how we got into it. When we avoid conflict, it usually just builds
up. If by avoiding it, we can use the time to build better relationships, and
to grow closer that would be worthwhile. But usually it just builds up until it
explodes. There are ways to have conflict without violence. I know I have come
to no conclusions. It is confusing because we really don’t know the facts about
the situation. Just what we are being fed by the media. We try to piece it
together, but we have only partial pictures and hazy visions. This is where the
lack of trust in government wears us down. But who else do we have? For a start
let us put people in government we can
trust. It is a myth to think we can control the outcome of what happens. A lot
depends on China, a lot depends on North Korea. A lot depends on us.
What are
we going to do. What are you going to do. Do we wait until the bombs are
falling on us to get engaged in political dialogue about we want to be as a
nation. It will be too late then. We need to start talking now. We need to
start taking positive actions now. It is one reason why I do what I do. I am re-committing myself to build a justice seeking community that respects each others differences, that builds relationships and seeks to understand the underlying needs of each person. I hope it can be a model for the world. Please join me in working towards this end.